Stronger together towards a more inclusive labour market (STRONGER TOGETHER)
The project aims to create a more inclusive labour market by encouraging employers to implement anti-discrimination policies in their organisations and by ensuring…
An environmentally friendly entrepreneur of the future!
To create awareness among young people about environmentally friendly behaviour and promote participation through educational and practical implementation of green course principles in…
Creating resilient rural communities in BSR based on the opportunities of digital bio businesses.
Provide solutions to rural municipalities and business support centres to make them competent supporters of e-biobusinesses and to promote the creation of e-biobusinesses…
Circular Economy makerspace
The CircularEconomy Makerspaces project brings together users of shared and collaborative spaces, promotes the circular economy, and fosters the development of sustainable products….
Project “Automation tools for creative industries AutoRade”
“Growth and employment” 8.2.3 specific support objective “Ensure better management in higher education institutions”. On October 26, 2022, the Limited Liability Company “School…
European Union project “Digital accelerator of Latvia (DAoL)”
The objectives of the project are to promote digital transformation and innovation, to improve the competitiveness of Latvian companies and the quality of…
Vidzeme Innovation Programme for Students -VIPS
To create sustainable support system, which would strengthen the proficiency of students innovations and entrepreneurship within their study or educational process in Vidzeme. In…
Guidance – Digital tools and Method development
Guidance – Digital tools and Method development
Diversity & Inclusion: Building Strengths Together
Programme: Erasmus+ KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth Sub-programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Project number: 2020-1-LV02-KA205-003015 Project duration:…
Dare To Grow
Programme: European Solidarity Corps Project type: Long term volunteering project Project number: 2020-2-LV02-ESC11-003239 Project duration: 01.09.2020. – 31.12.2022. Project total budget: 20 112…
Teaming Up
The project aims to boost youth potential, support the formation of international youth business teams and enhance young people’s entrepreneurial skills.
Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir sniegt atbalstu jauniešiem Covid-19 pandēmijas radīto seku mazināšanai un veicināt jauniešu iekļaušanos sabiedrībā.
Eiropas nākamās paaudzes mazās pilsētas (Next Generation Micro Cities of Europe)
Creative Social Entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region
The overall aim is to define common opportunities for supporting creative social entrepreneurship and develop cross border social trade between partnering countries, for…
Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekts “Atbalsts priekšlaicīgas mācību pārtraukšanas samazināšanai” (
“Priekšlaicīgas mācību pārtraukšanas riska jauniešu iesaiste jaunatnes iniciatīvu projektos”.
Latvijas valsts budžeta finansētās programmas “Ģimenei draudzīga pašvaldība” atklāta projektu pieteikumu konkursam NVO un pašvaldībām “Ģimenei draudzīgas vides veidošana”.
Makerspaces are popping up all over the world, led by people interested in building up the potential for technological advances within their communities….
Projekta mērķis bija izglītot jauniešus par sabiedrības ilgtspējas problēmām, kas izraisa dabas resursu noplicināšanos, klimata pārmaiņas un bioloģiskās daudzveidības samazināšanos, un iespējām pašiem…
Brave Idea Support Programme
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate entrepreneurial spirit of Estonia-Latvia talents by sustainable, results based and cross-border approach.