Project name
Creating resilient rural communities in BSR based on the opportunities of digital bio businesses.
Project number
Project programme
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027
Project implementation period
01.11.2023. – 31.10.2026.
Project partners
- Association of Municipalities of Tartu County (Estonia)
- Business Development Council of Toender Municipality (Denmark)
- Tartu County Development Association (Estonia)
- SYMBO – the sustainable FoodInnocenter (Denmark)
- RegioVision GmbH Schwerin (Germany)
- JPYP Business Service (Finland)
- Centria RDI (Finland)
- Valmiera Development Agency (Latvia)
- Into Seinäjoki Ltd (Finland)
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
- Creativity Works Europe (Poland)
- Association for the Development and Promotion of Podkarpacie “Pro Carpathia” (Poland)
- Bieliny Commune (Poland)
Associated partners:
- Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (Finland)
- Business Development Agency Rostock County (Germany)
Leading partner of the project
Association of Municipalities of Tartu County (Estonia)
Project aim
Provide solutions to rural municipalities and business support centres to make them competent supporters of e-biobusinesses and to promote the creation of e-biobusinesses in rural areas. The target audience for the solutions developed will be small and medium-sized entrepreneurs as well as individuals.
Project acronym
eRural resilience
Project budget
The total funding of the project is EUR 2,918,835.00, of which the ERDF is EUR 2,335,068.00 and the co-financing of the partners is EUR 583,767.00.
Main activities of the project
Planned activities for the project are divided into three work packages:
(1) Preparation of solutions, this work package will include the following activities: creation of support groups, collection of existing solutions and knowledge, work on developing solutions/methodologies.
(2) piloting and evaluating solutions, this work package will include the following activities: testing, evaluation and improvement of developed solutions/methodologies.
(3) distribution and transfer of solutions in the Baltic Sea Region, this work package will include the following activities: measures for the dissemination of solutions/methodologies (based on the established communication and dissemination plan), the application of developed solutions in day-to-day work.
- Developed methodology for e-biobusiness launching.
- Developed methodology for assessment of e-biobusiness supporters.
- Piloted methodologies/solutions developed
Contact person at Valmiera Development Agency
Project manager Madara Narnicka, email:, T. +371 29519966.
Project website:
Why do we involve regional stakeholders in eRural resilience project activities?
The creation and involvement of Community Support Groups in the activities of the eRural resilience…