

Creating resilient rural communities in BSR based on the opportunities of digital bio businesses. 

Provide solutions to rural municipalities and business support centres to make them competent supporters of e-biobusinesses and to promote the creation of e-biobusinesses in rural areas. The target audience for the solutions developed will be small and medium-sized entrepreneurs as well as individuals.

Creating resilient rural communities in BSR based on the opportunities of digital bio businesses.  Read More »

Circular Economy makerspace

The CircularEconomy Makerspaces project brings together users of shared and collaborative spaces, promotes the circular economy, and fosters the development of sustainable products. Over the course of 27 months, the project aims to enhance and refine the operations of at least 5 out of 40 shared spaces, making them more environmentally friendly. This will be achieved through various activities involving the community, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from the maker community

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Project “Automation tools for creative industries AutoRade”

“Growth and employment” 8.2.3 specific support objective “Ensure better management in higher education institutions”. On October 26, 2022, the Limited Liability Company “School of Economics and Culture” and the Central Finance and Contracts Agency (CFCA) signed contract no. on the implementation of the ESF project “Automation tools for creative industries AutoRade”.

Project “Automation tools for creative industries AutoRade” Read More »

Vidzeme Innovation Programme for Students -VIPS

To create sustainable support system, which would strengthen the proficiency of students innovations and entrepreneurship within their study or educational process in Vidzeme. In addition, to promote the cooperation between Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its students, industries and entrepreneurs, that would enable them to develop practical utilization of solutions for the challenges defined by merchants and the public.

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Diversity & Inclusion: Building Strengths Together

Programme: Erasmus+ KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth Sub-programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Project number: 2020-1-LV02-KA205-003015 Project duration: 01.09.2020.-31.10.2022. Project budget: 54 914  EUR  Projet partners: Valmieras Attīstības aģentūra (Latvija), Natura Hungarica Foundation (Ungārija), Kiskunhalasi Szakképzési Centrum Kiskunfélegyházi Közgazdasági Szakgimnázium (Ungārija), Inovaciju Biuras (Lietuva), Valmieras Jaunatnes centrs Vinda (Latvija). Project

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